AMI :: Mission Statement of American Muslim Institution

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To be a credible, proactive
voice for American Muslims and to promote a positive image of Muslims through
dialogue and understanding both within the American Muslim community and with
other American religious communities, civic and political leaders, and opinion

What our success would look like:

Americans will see Muslims as their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent extremism and protecting the homeland. “

In order to achieve the success for our communities,  we request your support in terms of time, effort and money to bring positive changes.

Please consider contributing your tax deductible donations of  $50, $100, $500, $1000 and more to American Muslim Institution, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Thank you.


Donate to AMI

You can also mail a check to

American Muslim institution,
110 Maryland Av, NE, Suite 508
Washington, DC 20002-5606 

American Muslim Institution

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