About the Author

Mike Ghouse is a Speaker, thinker, author, newsmaker, organizer, pluralist, and an interfaith wedding officiant. He offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media, policymakers, and organizations. His personal mission is to open people’s hearts, minds, and souls towards each other.

Please visit the page profiles at this site – https://americanmuslimagenda.com/profiles/

Muslim Speaker – http://muslimspeaker.com/
Interfaith Speaker – http://interfaithspeaker.com/
Motivational Speaker – https://motivationalspeakermikeghouse.blogspot.com/

He is driven by the idea of Pluralism, that is if we can learn to “Respect the otherness of the others” and accept the God-given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge. Indeed, this is his definition of pluralism.  

Mike is an effective communicator. His speeches, commentaries, press releases, articles, messages, and discussions are appreciated for common-sense clarity. Given the background in publishing newspaper, producing radio & tv talk shows, and commenting on national tv, he has excelled in building relations with the community, public, media, and the government.

His experience in dealing with people from different faiths, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual, and political orientations has empowered him with community-building expertise. He is committed to building cohesive communities – i.e., bringing people together towards achieving set goals.

Conflict mitigation and goodwill nurturance is his first nature and he offers pluralistic** solutions on issues of the day. Whatever he does, he does it wholeheartedly and pours his heart, mind, and soul into it — a trailblazer by all counts.

The skills that have made him a successful consultant are; communications, project management, events management, customer care, community outreach, social media, public relations, media relations, teacher, trainer, budget, and operations management.

Two books are on the horizon, “Standing up for others” and “Pluralism in America.” The “American Muslim Agenda” is released and is available at Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores. If you want to know everything about American Muslims and the essence of Islam, this book is for you. It is about fostering societies where no one is more privileged than the other. Mike has co-authored a few books and has been cited in over 500 books and articles.

The Center for Pluralism is an established educational institution in the Washington DC area. What have we accomplished? Here it is – http://centerforpluralism.com/mission-accomplished-at-the-center-for-pluralism/

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