In order to achieve our ambitious goal of “Americans will see Muslims as
their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent
extremism and protecting the homeland, ” we request your support in terms of time, effort and money to bring positive changes.
their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent
extremism and protecting the homeland, ” we request your support in terms of time, effort and money to bring positive changes.
Please consider contributing your tax deductible donations of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and more to American Muslim Institution, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Thank you.
You can also mail a check to
Please call us
American Muslim institution,
110 Maryland Av, NE, Suite 508
Washington, DC 20002-5606
Please call us
Mike Ghouse
Executive Director
Executive Director
(214) 325-1916